If it doesn't print successfully try changing the font of your text by selecting your sample text, choosing the Font drop down on the ribbon, and selecting a different font. Try printing again. If it prints successfully that tells us the problem is with the font you're using. The easiest solution is to use a different font for your text.

Try printing from another program

To test whether another program can communicate with the printer, and whether the printer driver is functioning, try to print from another program such as Notes. Start the Notes app on your Mac, open an existing note or create a new note with some sample text, then click File> Print and see if it will print.

If it prints successfully from Notes that tell us that you have a problem with your installation of Microsoft Office. In that case you may need to uninstall Office 2016 from your Mac and then reinstall it. See Troubleshoot Office 2016 for Mac issues by completely uninstalling before you reinstall.

If it does not print successfully from other programs that suggests there may be a problem with the printer drivers or configuration.

Delete the printer and reinstall it in OSX

To delete and add the printer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the upper-left of the screen
  2. Click System Preferences
  3. Click Printers & Scanners
  4. Select the printer that you want to remove
  5. Click Delete (-)
  6. To add a new printer and test it, Click Add (+)
  7. In the Connection Method list, click the connection method that your printer uses
  8. In the Printer list, click the printer that you want to add, and then click Add

Go back to your Microsoft Office application and try printing to the printer you just re-added. If it still won't print, it may be that you need to replace your print driver files.

Remove and reinstall your print driver files

Deleting and reinstalling your printer resets that printer's settings but may not always replace the print driver files. Follow these steps to replace those:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the upper-left of the screen
  2. Choose System Preferences
  3. Choose Printers & Scanners
  4. Control+Click anywhere in the device list. Choose Reset printing system from the shortcut menu.
  5. In Finder choose Go > Go to Folder and go to the /Library/Printers/ folder.
  6. In the Printers folder that appears click Edit > Select All then choose File > New folder with Selection to create a new folder containing those drivers. The folder will be named 'New Folder With Items' by default, which is fine for our purposes. When we're done you can delete that folder to save space.
  7. Repeat the process you did for deleting and reinstalling the printer. This time your system will download and install new printer drivers too.

Go back to Office and test your printing again. If it still doesn't work your printer preference files might be causing the problem.

Replace the printer preference files

Corrupted printer preference files may cause printing issues. To replace the printer preference files, follow these steps:

  1. On the desktop, click File, click New Folder, type Print Prefs, and then press RETURN on your keyboard
  2. On the Go menu, click Home
  3. Open Library
    Note: The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu
  4. Click Preferences
  5. Hold down the Apple or Command key, and then click each com.apple.print.*.plist file. For example, hold down the Apple key, click com.apple.print.PrintCenter.plist, and then click com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs.plist. In this example, the com.apple.print.PrintCenter.plist and com.apple.print.PrintingPrefs.plist files should be highlighted
  6. Drag the files that you highlighted in step 5 to the Print Prefs folder that you created in step 1.
  7. Restart your Mac

Try printing again from Microsoft Office for Mac.

See also

Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.


While using Word for Mac one or more Toolbars are missing and cannot be added.


Microsoft Office For Mac Air

This behavior can be caused by one of these things:


To resolve this problem, try the following methods.

Method 1: Make sure that tool bar display is not turned off

  1. In the upper-right corner of the window click the oval button.
    When this button is clicked, it hides all the toolbars. A second click causes the toolbars to be displayed.
  2. If the toolbars reappear, quit, and then restart Word to make sure that the appropriate toolbars are displayed.
If Method 1 did not resolve the problem, try Method 2.

Method 2: Reset the toolbars and menus in Word

You can reset the toolbars and menus in the Customize Toolbars and Menus option, any saved customization is removed, and all settings are reverted to the original default settings.
  1. Open Word.
  2. Go to View in the menu.
  3. Choose Toolbars.
  4. Select Customize Toolbars and Menus.
  5. Select Toolbars and Menus in the top of the Customize Toolbars and Menus window.
  6. Select the item in the list you want to reset (Menu Bar, Standard, Formatting).
  7. Click Reset.
  8. Click OK when getting prompt: 'Are you sure you want to reset the changes made..'
  9. Click OK.
When View is missing from the menu, then you can also Control Click the Standard Toolbar and go to Customize Toolbars and Menus here.
If Method 2 did not resolve the problem, try Method 3.

Method 3: Create a new Normal template Note

When a new Normal template is created, any saved customization is removed, and all settings are reverted to the original default settings.
Step 1: Quit all programs

Microsoft Office For Mac Troubleshooting Windows 7

To quit active applications, follow these steps:
  1. On the Apple menu, click Force Quit.
  2. Select an application in the 'Force Quit Applications' window.
  3. Click Force Quit.
  4. Repeat the previous steps until you quit all active applications.
When an application is force quit, any unsaved changes to open documents are not saved. Microsoft office free download mac os x.
When you are finished, click the red button in the upper-left corner and proceed to Step 2.

Microsoft Office For Mac Update Problem

Step 2: Word 2008 and 2011: Move the Normal.dotm template file to the Trash
  1. Quit all Microsoft Office applications.
  2. On the Go menu, click Home.
  3. Open Library.
    The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.
  4. Select the Application Support folder.
  5. Select the Microsoft folder.
  6. Open the Office folder.
  7. Open the User Templates folder.
  8. Move Normal.dotm to the Trash.
  9. Start Word, a new Normal.dotm template will be created when you choose Quit Word in the Word menu.
When you had Word 2004 on your Mac previously and you now have Word 2008 or Word 2011, also check if the Word 2004 Normal file is present on the system, if so, trash this Normal template file as well.
Step 3: Word 2004: Move the Normal template file to the Trash
  1. Quit all Microsoft Office applications.
  2. On the Go menu, click Home.
  3. Select the Documents folder.
  4. Select the **Microsoft User Data **folder.
  5. Move Normal to the Trash.
  6. Start Word, a new Normal template will be created when you choose Quit Word in the Word menu.